Ever since I have been reading up on Satanism. I've been going through a change. It's only been 7 days that i've been feeling a little different each day. I've talked to another Satanism and told him about the way I have been feeling. He said that alot about what Lavey is talking about. You are starting to recognise your own divinity and your starting to see things in a way. That I have been finding my own divinity and I have been seeing things in a different way.
Well i'm starting to talk back. Once when a person decides to make fun of me in person. I'll talk back and say something and I never do that. Starting to speak what is on my mind. I feel that my inner spirit is starting to become stronger and instead of it feeling weak and fragil. Starting to open up to people more when I talk to them.Starting to feel more mature.
Kind of scared about it in a way. But I happen to like this change that i'm going through. It's weird how reading up on Satanism can change your personallity and have you see things differently. I'm thinking about sticking to this kind of religion because of what it did for me. But i'm also going to be carefull at the sametime.