Baby, please be mine. If only for a time. If only in my mind. I'd hope it not a crime; To have just one perfect time; Staring right into your eyes; And you back into mine; Saying nothing, being blind; To all else but your shine. You're looking so damn fine; You're sipping cherry wine; As all sensations climb; Your hand curls into mine; We feel that this is right; That this should be our lives; That our hearts should be entwined; Our bodies souls and minds. One hand slides down your thigh; I gently kiss your smile; For even just a while; But once before I die; And your twinkle does subside; as from this life I slide; My soul creaks, wanes and whines; Off into space-time. Your warm hands ebbing mine; A warmth holding all the time; Causing my soul to fly; I'm innocent as a child; Our love can't be denied. Even as I slowly die; And fade away, I cry; With one thing on my mind; Your eyes, Your smile and our perfect time.