quote: Originally posted by: "she'd start playing in her own hole."
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
So Gregg promised the ticket to my sister as long as she promised to be on her best behavior now though the gathering. Ie: No cutting, no drama, no bad grades, no fighting, yadda yadda yadda. And, yes, he's find out, he alwaysssss finds out. I was ****ed cuz he didn't even ask me if he could ask her, but he says that I would have said no and that he thinks it's a really good thing for her. He says if she's forced to be "good" for a few months that it could really get her on the right track. Well see... just thought I'd fill you all in...
I told you that it's no like that asswipe. Picture Woodstock. That's almost EXACTALLY what it's like. And, true, I don't know that a pot smoking boobie infested concert is a great thing to persuade her with, but she is almost 17, so... Plus, my mom's all for it. Her and Gregg think that since she wants to go so bad (and I mean like, she REALLY is dying to go.) that this will force her to straighten up. Plus, she idolizes Gregg so if he says jump she'll say how hi. I just am ****y cuz now I'll have to babysit her the whole time and I can't flash my boobs and make out with chicks. Damnit!