quote: Originally posted by: " i didnt read this thread until today, you all coulda asked. Sad you had to spend money when you had free hosting through me but, eh... oh well if it works it works."
Yeah, you know I didn't even THINK to ask. I forgot that you even had the space, and yeah it does suck a lil cuz it would have saved me some moula. But, whatever, this works too so it's all good. And we don't have to worry about switching over anywhere cuz it's a really good host.
I also ment to thank you for the input, Sire, but we had already purchased this host. And, besides, this host is really great. It has awesome reviews and excellent courtomer service.
what a fuked weekend... and it's only half over... I lurve you guys.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
quote: Originally posted by: "its amazing that billy knew we were going to get hosting for a phpbb site but failed to offer this previously."
use your brain, you guys have been boasting that you "already bought deviantcircle.net for a week" How was i supposed to know you didnt do what you said you did?
we bought deviantcircle.net. not webhosting. its all here but no way am i bored enough to pull out and link every thread. but its ok. i luv you anyway biwwy.
"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha
Haahaa! Yeah, we bought deviantcircle.net but we didn't get the host yet because we where hoping that we could run off another board, but in the end we thought it was better to just get our own and be done with it. But, due to the fact that I ordered it on Thursday night and most companies had off Friday we're still waitting on the finial email to come though.
quote: Originally posted by: "we bought deviantcircle.net. not webhosting. its all here but no way am i bored enough to pull out and link every thread. but its ok. i luv you anyway biwwy."
Oh dmanit! i just KNEW i should have used my mind reading powers on you guys back then!!! ****! i forgot to forsee the future and everything... damnit!
Yes, but did you tell everyone you bought only the name and we hoping someone would offer to run it off thier hosting? No you didnt... because IF you had you know damned well i would have volunteerd the second i read it.
you even admit you "forgot to ask me".
you guys jumped the gun, you shoulda actually asked around, i woulda came up with a free hosting solution for you.. but you didnt and now youre stuck paying every year, but hey if it works it works right?
Yeah we could always switch next year. Besides, it's really no big that we had to pay for it cuz at least this way we get the support and all that to go with it. This way we're guarnteed a year of problem free hosting. Next year we'll all know a lot more about running a forum and would be able to handle doing it all ourselves on your server. And besides, nobody's mad at you, Billy. I was just joking around. If anything it's my fault because I should have known to ask you about it. Like I said, I forgot you had space and didn't even think about it. Blah, it's all good. At least we know that if we need it down the road we can ask you, right? So, it's all gravy, darling. Gravy.