quote: Originally posted by: " yeh put your $370 towards that"
Yeah that I will. I'm not going to get a fancy car. I don't even care if my car sucks ass. Just as long as it takes me where I want to go. Then that is all that should really matter to me.
yeah, you should save it. If it's really burning a hole in your pocket, you could spend a smidgin of it and bank the rest. Maybe buy a nice purse or a new pair of jeans. Or a new hair cut, that always makes me happy. But, yeah, if that's all you have I wouldn't blow it on something stupid, you'll regret it later, TRUST ME.
Yeah I know what you are saying. I used to have more money then that. I had 615 bucks that I made when I used to work. Then I blew it away on cds, cigarettes, and beer. Man did I regreat doing that!! I could have saved it to visit someone at the time. But NOOOO!!!!! Beer, cigarttes, and music had to intertain me!
My lil bro got a check for 7 grand on his 18th birthday for this settlement he got when he was a kid. He couldn't wait to get this money, he was going to do all these great things with it like get his car fixed and blah blah blah. He blew it all within 2 months on beer, pot, and food. (The kid's like Pattie's bulid and can eat like $20 of food of Mickey D's dollar menu.)