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Post Info TOPIC: By Billy: Rant #3 Xanga and Blogger ass wipes!!!

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By Billy: Rant #3 Xanga and Blogger ass wipes!!!

Bloggers and Xanga assheads.



If you don~{!/~}t know what Xanga is I envy your ignorance, What it is though, is an internet medium for whiny teenagers and lame ass college kids to talk about their lives on the internet as if it meant something.(it doesn~{!/~}t).


Xanga however is overrun by Asian Americans... not that I~{!/~}m racist or anything but an Asian guy going to UCONN talking like a ~{!0~}nigga~{!1~} or a hip hop artist calling other Asians his ~{!0~}niggas~{!1~} should be murdered on the spot. Seriously you~{!/~}d think growing up upper middle class they would have the sense to at least talk like ordinary people~{!-~} and all the money wasted to go to UCONN so they can obsess about eating too much or drinking bubble tea while posting picture after picture of their ugly asses in the SAME position from their web cam~{!-~} I swear to god, its like they could at least make a different face or maybe stand up or something once and a while to keep things different, but no... anyway to give you a better insight as to what it is I~{!/~}m going off about I~{!/~}ve painstakingly sloshed through the swamps of sorrow that is to bring you some examples of ****s I wish would just spontaneously combust.


The (black) Asian


The black Asian is usually an Asian male, form upper middle class background who has never met an actual African American, but insists that he somehow is in tune with them and that he himself IS indeed a ~{!0~}nigga~{!1~}


~{!0~}Wednesday, March 19, 2003

oooo sIIIck~~ i got back from da court today and oo Niize~~ i cleaned all mi 4 tickets without fines or points!!~~ AMEN TO DA LORD!!~~~~ muhahaha...i always get away somehow with mi ****...kekek pOemz!~~ muhahah jus in a good mood i guess!~~ shIM bAr!!~~ hahahahahahaha gonna be outz cuz i gotta go pick up mi pizzas from PaPa JohNz!~~ oo niiZe!~~ want soME? hit mi ceLL and maybe ill give you soME!~~ puhahahahah...


WHERE MI PROPZ AT!~~~~~~~~~{!1~}


Posted by a user called ~{!0~}Pinkboi~{!1~} don~{!/~}t believe me? Click here moving on~{!-~}


The Trendy, casual Xanga User


They don~{!/~}t try to be bad, but they just are because they~{!/~}re so goddamned stupid~{!-~} you~{!/~}ll find 2 groups of folks here~{!-~} the whiny bitches, and overly sensitive males~{!-~} here is a sample of why both suck.


Bitches: usually type in super small fonts, not only do they do that, they use RIDICULOUS color schemes, for example light gray on gray~{!-~} (HUH?) or Light faded gray on white~{!-~} as if my eyes didn~{!/~}t hurt already form being raped by their incessant retardation and stupidity I have to strain my eyes into an ocular meltdown just to read the ****~{!-~} here is a picture of what I mean~{!-~}

*Insert picture*


Sissy males: They like their female counter parts like to go on incessant ramblings about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I can~{!/~}t remember the last time I read anything remotely interesting on Xanga~{!-~} oh wait I can its when I replied to everyone~{!/~}s Blog and told them how goddamned retarded they all were. Anyway heres a sample of what im talking about~{!-~}


~{!0~}Wednesday, July 30, 2003
OMG that was the scariest experience of my life!
Alright, it all started when i went into the shower.  I got in the tub, turned on the faucet and began scrubbing the smell of elmers glue and graham crackers off of me (from working at a daycare you silly) when i turned around to get the shampoo.  Right infront of me stood the biggest and scarriest spider ive ever seen.  Wasting no time, it lunged at me trying to take me down, but my manly shriek stunned it for a moment.  I took the opportunity to shoot a double leg on the behometh.  Then I armbar stacked the bastard.  If you're not able to follow the wrestling jargon, read the sparknotes of Huj vs. Spider.  Then i shoved that bad boy down the drain where it belonged.  Yup, only a man could do something like that.  And only a real man could do something like that IN THE NUDE!~{!1~}


WTF?! I cant even comprehend what HOW stupid this is!


The Crybaby Sissy


This is the WORST of all Xanga and Blog users~{!-~} All they do is cry about how small their pecker is, how much they don~{!/~}t want their girlfriend to leave them, how hard school is, how painful it is to live in upper middle class oppression WAAAAAH BOOHOO~{!-~} **** YOU ****s I hope you all rot.


Phrases and thing you MAY see on a Crybaby sissy Xanga person page would be:


Poetry, very bad poetry~{!-~} no rhyme scheme or a very jagged and enforced rhyme scheme, Usually Goths and other ~{!0~}manic~{!1~} depressives will forego the rhyme scheme to come up with TOTALLY original bad Goth poetry like:


Night beckons, my blood feels its eternal kiss, like snow falling on winter bridges my soul remains upon the frozen waste, I eat my sorrow for its eternal bitterness swallows my psyche. Give unto me a great beam of despair for I am the raven, crimson lips and drunken smile fear my Vampyre kiss~{!-~} I am one I am night nevermore.


Note the Spelling of ~{!0~}Vampyre~{!1~} real Goths and deep poetic thinkers ALWAYS spell Vampire with a ~{!0~}Y~{!1~} instead.


They will usually ask for advice, but wont ever heed it.. I wrote advice ot one guy and told him EXACTLY what he should do~{!-~} did he listen? Nope... good I~{!/~}m glad he~{!/~}s unhappy bastard asking for my advice and didn~{!/~}t follow it..


Their history~{!-~} they will list their entire BORING history of their relationships with certain people usually a girlfriend or boyfriend~{!-~} and think that we all give a ****. When no one replies what do they do? Threaten suicide of course~{!-~} BAH!


I can~{!/~}t do this anymore it ****es me off WAY too much~{!-~} I wish I was a hacker so I could put Xanga down~{!-~}

Eat me.
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