Know what I hate? Little stink **** kids, who are fat, with bad hair cuts, and look like they deserve death~{!-~} ever see one of those spoiled rotten jelly roll ****s? 10 years old, or 11 already weighing like 120 pounds, only 4 feet tall~{!-~} his head is shaved except for a little ****ing tail on the back... WHAT THE **** IS THAT THING??? Every time I see one I yank the **** right off his fat head!
Anyhow, know what I hate worse than those little ****s? THEIR MOMS! **** THOSE ****ING ****S! I cant see passed the stop sign at the inter section where there~{!/~}s an elementary school because they all parked in front of it because they were TOO ****ing inconvenienced to buy a smaller car other than a ****ing gigantic SUV gas sucker. To cart their little ****s around~{!-~}
Here~{!/~}s a story~{!-~}
I was driving home from work~{!-~}I was tired and hungry.. I turn left to go down our street~{!-~} a bitchy whore came out of her door as soon as she saw me going by and began screaming at me ~{!0~}SLOW DOWN MY CHILDREN PLAY HERE!~{!1~} If by children she meant my 300 pound sack of **** that can~{!/~}t walk because his infantile legs buckle under the weight of his enormously obese body then yes her child DOES play there. Although I would hardly consider eating mud between his 2 lunches and 4 dinners is playing. SO I being the concerned type I am I looked down at my speed~{!-~} 26 MPH~{!-~}. the speed limit~{!-~} 30 MPH. I gave her the finger, rolled down the window and asked her ~{!0~}how could you keep feeding him and watch him grow like that!~{!1~} Being the bitch she was she threatened to have me arrested~{!-~} so I promptly stopped my car, got out and kicker her in the labia~{!-~} my foot almost got sucked into whatever parallel universe it is resides there.. she fell on the ground and cried~{!-~} so to add insult to injury I walked up to her giant beached sea lion and dangled a Snickers bar over his face for 10 minutes~{!-~}every time he reached or tried to get up to reached I laughed at him and pulled it away. Then I rolled him down the street like an oil barrel because it would be funny to watch a really fat kid roll down the street for once~{!-~}. Then I got bored and I went into her house~{!-~} she had an enormously fat baby sitting (squished) into a highchair with an assortment of French pastries it was eating.. I took them away and left it a pile of dog **** to play with~{!-~}being the very hungry fat baby it was, it ate it and smiled...
When I got bored, I walked back outside and the child I rolled down the street was trying to waddle back, he asked me if he could have the candy bar, I said yes, but not after I dropped it into the dirt and made him eat it no hands out of dog ****.
Why is it that Psycho moms can NEVER shut the **** up about their kids? Seriously I have something to say to ALL moms like this:
SHUT THE **** UP! Your kids are ugly, and NOT unique~{!-~} the fact that they learned their ABC~{!/~}s in kindergarten is NORMAL! All kids do that!!! He~{!/~}s not a prodigy or a child genius you ****ing moron! The next time I see a psycho bitch show me her disgusting baby I~{!/~}m going to field goal that little **** factory across the town~{!-~} last thing we need in this world are more inconsiderate ****s psycho moms and their fat stupid kids... **** them In their ass!
Fat kids suck, the overprotective bitches that make them are the worst!
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter