i'll give your mockery a try...just to see how long before it turns into a snuggle fest...
i would like to believe it is possible, but it would seem that those even those who have everything they need, still are left wanting for more...a perfect relationship, yet something's missing, they always look at others, the ideal white picket fence lifestyle, and yet, a longing for adventure, to see things unseen...rich people envy those that have less, but seem to have more fufilling lives, the poor envy the rich for having what it would seem they don't...why is it people that have every thing they wish for, incapable of being happy?
animals are never happy with what they have, they lack the capability for happiness, they'll always want more...food...they can find contentment, a purring cat can demonstrate that, but why is it that the human animal is never satisfied with what they have, and always obsessing over what they don't have or what they want?
In The Silence Of The Darkness, When All Are Fast Asleep, I Live Inside A Dream, Calling To Your Spirit.
Absolute happiness is absoluatlly abtainable, but short lived. Once one would reach that level of "perfection" the novelity of it all would quickly be lost in a borish state of unrealness. Take this for example: If you could live out enternity within a perfect dream state, looking, acting, living eactally as you wish OR you could live the rest of your life here in reality, which would you choose? Same idea really, you have to have some since of reality and dissapointment in order to appreiciate happiness.
Oh and and far as that cuddle fest comment: There's a bitch board, feel free to use it at will. I don't see you trying to produce any intelligent conversation; so therefore you really shouldn't bitch about it. And just in case it sounded like it, I'm not being a bitch.
I’ll tell ya...even if ya got all ya want in life…You still wont ever have it. I dunno if anyone in this world has true happiness. That’s my opinion tho!
Everything happens for a reason....
~3rd in Nation, BIATCH!~
i don't think we could find ABSOLUTE happiness. especially today where everything is about getting more and more and once you reach the top, someone is there to bump you back down. but then i also suppose it depends on the person. i change my mind, i think it can be reached. if i could spend everyday playing my tenor with a cute little cozy home with blue shutters and a happy (or working) marriage I suppose I would be happy all the time. but absolute happiness... i dont know
i belive you make your own happinesss. Its yourchoice everyday wether or not you want to be happy and not let things bother you.... sometimes though you have to letthings bother you so you dont losse your humanity.
quote: Originally posted by: "Can humans ever find absolute happiness, or is it that animal aspect that leaves us with a feeling of always needing more? discuss"
Of course humans can find absolute happiness. The problem is keeping it.
quote: Originally posted by: "I’ll tell ya...even if ya got all ya want in life…You still wont ever have it. I dunno if anyone in this world has true happiness. That’s my opinion tho! "
am i the only one that sees this post as completely contradictory?
"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha