well, i think everyone noticed after d_d posted up on it. billy made a thread. i just thought it was hella funny that out of everyone, d_d was the one to realize that it was my bday. that made it harder to rag on him.
"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha
dri, i don't really know you and i feel so bad for you! ahh
when a best friend stabs you in the back it's the worst and i know every situation is different and all but, it still hurts... anyways with rj...dump his sorry asss and with silverflame try to talk it out but then again if she really cared she would have told you or, she could have tried to protect you from the truth..
Thanks love. Well, rj and I are broken up and silver and I talked things out. actually, she's still sleeping in my bed as we speak (I wish, don't get any idea's nothing happened) and I'm trying to be a good sport about it all!
well dear if u ever need anyone to talk to call me...ill give u the number sometime... and since u live in bridgeville maybe ill stay at my grams on forbes avenue and hang out with you and you interesting,to say the least, crew....even though i don't live that far..(cecil) ta ta dear..glad things worked out 4 the best
life is good. going away for the rest of april and some of may, so i get to go away from here.and i had a good day yesterday and plan to have another one today. oooh if i'm going away that means i get to go down to cold stone and get more ice cream! wow little things in life keep me happy
quote: Originally posted by: "life is good. going away for the rest of april and some of may, so i get to go away from here.and i had a good day yesterday and plan to have another one today. oooh if i'm going away that means i get to go down to cold stone and get more ice cream! wow little things in life keep me happy "
O well thats cool. Im glad everything is starting to get better for ya.
Everything happens for a reason....
~3rd in Nation, BIATCH!~