I think it's just a convenient umbrella for euphamisms. I guess it can sometimes get in the way of just saying everyone is okay, since you;re putting them in categories, but it is a way to make tightasses more comfortable with things they don't yet totally understand.
quote: Originally posted by: "I think it's just a convenient umbrella for euphamisms. I guess it can sometimes get in the way of just saying everyone is okay, since you;re putting them in categories, but it is a way to make tightasses more comfortable with things they don't yet totally understand."
Then they should try and understand it. Cause once when you put things into catagories. Everyone gets split up into groups. But I don't know. I just think of it as life and nothing more then life it's self and we are just people living in it is all. Oh well nothing we can do about it.
Can you imagine if it wasn't? That should be something interesting to think about really. I wonder what would the world be like if people didn't fit under catagories? Think about it for a minuet. But you are right "it just is" and always will be like that till the day we die.
It's human nature to classify or categorize things into our own frames of reference. The problem begins when we start to focus more on the differences as opposed to our common ground.