Nader garners almost as many votes from Republicans as Democrats...not much of a factor as most people believe.
The number one surprise in last week’s polling was the fact that Nader gets almost as much support from Republican registered voters as he does from Democrat voters. This flies in the face of conventional wisdom. In reality, Nader nearly splits the votes and if he was not running, only a slight majority would go for Democrats.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
Now, Bush's support, while strong, is moving slightly down. Polling on the Internet over-represents Republicans. 43.3% of the people taking the poll identified themselves as Republican.
Below we balanced the raw numbers above to the national average of Republicans, Democrats and Independents. The balanced numbers:
Here is what we believe to be Kerry's largest problem in this race:
15.2% of registered Democrats are either undecided or voting for someone other than John Kerry. This means his democratic base is weak compared to Bush's concrete hold over Republicans. Take a look at the large sample sizes:
Democrats- N = 9467
% Supporting Actual number 10.8% Bush 1027 84.8% Kerry 8030 1.4% Nader 128 3.0% Undecided 282 ------------------------------------------
Bush's support within Republicans is more solid than Kerry's within Democrats.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
While the overall numbers SEEM better for Bush, the reason for this is that we had the highest number of Republicans ever to take the poll. This skews the results FOR Bush. 44.1% of the poll takers identified themselves as Republicans. This is way over the national average. SO we know the results are skewed.
But...and this is a big BUT, this is the first week we see SIGNIFICANT slipping in support for Bush. We can only get to see this by balancing with such a large sample size, the decline in support .4% is material.
Below we balanced the raw numbers above to the national average of Republicans, Democrats and Independents likely to vote. We have included last week's percentages and show this week.
Bush is still way ahead but is slipping. It appears that Clarke's testimony hurt President Bush.
While some of this news might seem good for Kerry, he has significant problems generating solid support from his party. Independents are not flocking to his candidacy...and they hold the key to the 2004 election.
To prove the point, look at the raw numbers by party and candidate in the most important state:
Florida N= 4552
Total Votes DEM Rep Ind 2,528 Bush 195 1916 417 1,813 Kerry 1284 155 374 65 Nader 16 8 41 146 Undec. 31 47 68
Here are the percentages of each party for each candidate:
DEM Rep Ind Bush 12.8% 90.0% 46.3% Kerry 84.1% 7.3% 41.6% Nader 1.0% .4% 4.6% Undec. 2.0% 2.2% 7.6%
Bush and Kerry both show declining support in their respective parties. Kerry with 84.1% of support and Bush declining to 90% presents a challenge for both candidates. For the first time it looks like Nader takes away significantly from Democrats.
The numbers show a Nader supporter twice as likely to be a Democrat than a Republican.
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Do you believe former terrorism czar, Richard Clarke was a credible witness?
A total of 51,655 people answered the question-of-the-week.
Because there was such a huge difference in answering this question along party lines, we decided to break the numbers down by political party. The differences are amazing:
Party He IS credible He IS NOT credible Undecided
Dem 65.0% 14.9% 20.1% Rep 7.9% 68.7% 23.4% Ind 38.6% 40.0% 21.4%
The stark difference between Democrats and Republicans indicates something fundamental. People filter information through powerful emotional attachments to party. Independents seem to be more open-minded AS A GROUP.
But everyone had the SAME information, watching Clarke, and yet Republicans and Democrats process information decidedly different. Is it the case that party affiliation and self- identification creates a sub-text of loyalty that influences the way people process information.
There are 17 states that represent the "battleground" for the election. Each week we will examine one or two. This week:
New Mexico N = 439
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Important note: Because of the high percentage of online Republicans who took this poll, we needed to balance the results to reflect the percentages of Independents, Democrats and Republicans in New Mexico. Because the sample size was large enough, we ere able to come up with an extremely accurate snapshot of this race. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bush has a commanding lead in this pivotal state. We will be tracking all of the battleground stay tuned.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
Independant is another way of saying "uninformed" its shows through to be true every day too. They THINK theyre being free minded but its funny though because they usually know nothing about the issues. Educated people will usually be able to choose a side.
quote: Originally posted by: "Independant is another way of saying "uninformed" its shows through to be true every day too. They THINK theyre being free minded but its funny though because they usually know nothing about the issues. Educated people will usually be able to choose a side."
I disagree completely. I participate in this poll, and I mark that I am indendent. I'm registered libertarian, but when the choices are republican, democrat, * independent I'm going to choose independent every time. Of course this could also include many of the other political parties.
Also, this poll reflects a large republican polling base, so the numbers are going to be at least slightly askew anyway.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
Total number of polls filled out for dates 4/9-4/16 :
[These are RAW NUMBERS...Not Balanced]
N = 28,733
Ind Dem Rep Bush 3,214 1,086 12,249 Kerry 2,697 7,191 642 Nader 344 124 71 Undec. 525 329 261 ------------------------------------------------
The above numbers are skewed because 46% of the people filling out the poll identified themselves as Republican.
Now, there are those that say "people can lie". This is true enough but a recent study conducted by Jupiter said that people ARE MORE HONEST via email than the phone or in person.
Also, our large sample sizes reduces the "lie factor", which exists for telephone surveys, mall intercepts and other survey forms.
Below we balanced the raw numbers above to the national average of Republicans, Democrats and Independents likely to vote. We have included the last two week's percentages plus this week.
Republicans are rallying around Bush in almost drone-like manner. His support among Republicans is solid. Republicans are more loyal to party than Democrats meaning he does not seem to lose support no matter how bad things go in Iraq or the 9-11 hearings.
Kerry just has not excited potential voters. His .9% drop in one week (balanced and accurate) should be alarming to his staff, unless they are drinking the kool-aid and believe he is ahead in the polls.
How do Jewish Voters break down?
N = 1,841
Here are the percentages of each party for each candidate:
DEM Rep Ind Bush 8.0% 87.7% 40.1% Kerry 88.6% 8.7% 48.2% Nader 1.8% .6% 4.7% Undec. 1.6% 2.9% 7.1%
Bush has no chance to take the Jewish vote in 2004 although he shows more support than any Republican since Ronald Reagan.
Next week we take a look at how the "Catholic vote" breaks down.
Do you believe that we should send more troops to Iraq?
A total of 39,845 people answered the question-of-the-week.
Here are the percentages by party affiliation:
Party Yes No Undecided
Dem 24.9% 62.3% 12.8% Rep 64.1% 18.0% 17.9% Ind 45.0% 40.1% 14.8%
This is the issue that splits the nation at this moment. From a political view, this is a no-win situation for Bush. Iraq is very volatile and as the body bags and casualties mount, this presents a political problem for Bush.
This election will be decided by the Independents. They are the most conflicted. Also Bush's support for this key decision in his own party is weak compared to his overall support within the party.
There are 17 states that represent the "battleground" for the election. Each week we will examine one or two. This week:
Missouri N = 525
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Important note: Because of the high percentage of online Republicans who took this poll, we needed to balance the results to reflect the percentages of Independents, Democrats and Republicans in Missouri.
This is such a tight race. The closeness of the race may cause Kerry to choose Missouri's favorite son, Dick Gephardt, as a running mate. It is simply too close to call.
Kerry is solid in Minnesota where independents are strong. Interesting note: Kerry and Bush are dead even with Independent voters at 40.6% going to each. Nader is showing 11.5% support amongst this group.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter