quote: Originally posted by: "To Magic Ninjet Darkforum has a virus on it. People are still trying to shut it down. So far it's been like this for four days know. "
For real. Haahaa. Who's trying to do that? It's not us, so there must be other members who want out. We should go out there and round them up, no? But how...
quote: Originally posted by: ":hugs michelle for laughing at my little breakdown today: blah... yes we need more memebers..must get zombies..."
awws...hehe. Its alright i had a break down today also...In Mrs. Matthews class...right before 1st period. Blah it sucked. She made me cry tho...She forced me to talk about my problems! Everyone was looking at me!
Zombies mmmm!
Everything happens for a reason....
~3rd in Nation, BIATCH!~
but i thought mrs.mathews was supposed to be cool...i mean she gave passes to people so they could go smoke and like gave kids gum and spray and **** so they didn't smell like cigarettes...its always the teachers that act cool that are the arse-holes
quote: Originally posted by: "but i thought mrs.mathews was supposed to be cool...i mean she gave passes to people so they could go smoke and like gave kids gum and spray and **** so they didn't smell like cigarettes...its always the teachers that act cool that are the arse-holes"
hehe nah she is awesome. I love her to death. I miss having her as a teacher! Its just a long story. But lately she has been alil bitchy...Her and my Garry. The school is starting to crack down on everyone even more. Watch what u do...EVERY camera is working now. Cuz i got caught walking around during my Science class and ya. I lied about that being me and they showed me the tape and was like..."Oh so you have a twin that we didnt know about"....Ya. Dont u just love our school?!?!
Everything happens for a reason....
~3rd in Nation, BIATCH!~
woah...if it was me i would have like spazed out and ran out of the building all paranoid and screaming... i hate that school...ALL CAMERAS WORK?! crap! they probably see umm a lot from me
quote: Originally posted by: "woah...if it was me i would have like spazed out and ran out of the building all paranoid and screaming... i hate that school...ALL CAMERAS WORK?! crap! they probably see umm a lot from me"
hehe your crazy!
Everything happens for a reason....
~3rd in Nation, BIATCH!~