Descendants of black American slaves are to sue Lloyd's of London for insuring ships used in the trade.
High-profile US lawyer Edward Fagan, who secured settlements from Swiss companies in the Nazi gold case, is taking the action for 10 plaintiffs.
He says by underwriting slave ships in the 1700-1800s the UK's oldest insurance firm played a significant role.
The action, to be lodged on Monday, will claim defendants still suffer.
The American plaintiffs have produced DNA evidence they say links them with ancestors on recorded slave ships which sailed between Africa and the United States.
One says he has the insurance documents from when Lloyd's of London underwrote the ship his ancestors were on.
I'm going to sue Italy because the Romans invaded England 2000 years ago, the ****ers
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
You're right about that, of course, but what were you thinking when you said "would they really rather be living in blah blah blah." It sounds like you are implying that those places aren't worth living in.
quote: Originally posted by: "You're right about that, of course, but what were you thinking when you said "would they really rather be living in blah blah blah." It sounds like you are implying that those places aren't worth living in."
it is my contention that Somalia and Zimbabwe are not worth living in.
I suggest you compare the numbers fleeing to europe from those 2 nations with the numbers of europeans fleeing from their countries to Somalia and Zimbabwe.
quote: Originally posted by: " it is my contention that Somalia and Zimbabwe are not worth living in. I suggest you compare the numbers fleeing to europe from those 2 nations with the numbers of europeans fleeing from their countries to Somalia and Zimbabwe."
I would agree they're not worth living in as the migration patterns show. Besides, to live in any sort of happiness there you would have to be part of the rich upper crust... would you want to cruise your honda around town looking at a bunch of starving people (including many, many children) living in atrocious conditions? Not to mention the extremly high HIV infection rate. Even if you lived the good life there, how could one ever be happy with that much tragedy surrounding them...?
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
quote: Originally posted by: "I would agree they're not worth living in as the migration patterns show. Besides, to live in any sort of happiness there you would have to be part of the rich upper crust... would you want to cruise your honda around town looking at a bunch of starving people (including many, many children) living in atrocious conditions? Not to mention the extremly high HIV infection rate. Even if you lived the good life there, how could one ever be happy with that much tragedy surrounding them...?"
Not to mention the obvious, they ****ing EAT people in many african countries!!!