ended up hitting the valley saturday. ran a 10.155 1/8th mile. also ran 2nd into the 9k range then like a dumbass let off without pushing in the clutch. needless to ssay it sucked oil into the chamber and then laid a HUGE smokescreen. i thought i killed the motor. i also managed a "preburn" for the autocross the next day.
i end up running in the last heat at the autox. so i get to stand around forever. dosed on the sunblock only to forget about my hands so now i have toasty burnt paws. ended up 8th in class out of 12-13. these kumho ecsta 711's suck donkey nuggets. i also think i killed the driver's balljoint again. can you say f00k3d. plus it ate a good chunk of tire. i believe i'm gonna take my friend up on codriving his 240sx. then i'm going to blow my car up.
"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha