quote: Originally posted by: "not just mods, the community as a whole."
read again, dumbass, that's exactally what I said. lol. anyway, yeah, what >FD< said, it should be a case by case thing. No written rules other than spamming and kiddie porn. If someone can manage to **** of the majorty to the extent that there's a question about a banning, we'll handle it then. I'm not worried about it.
quote: Originally posted by: "So, when and if we ever need to do this, how do you think it should happen? I can tell ya, I'm really not up to giving out 'formal warnings' and such. It gets lame. But, I could see where somewhere along the lines it might be necessary. If someone goes and creats 80 new threads devoted to the 26 letters of the alphabet (or viagra... whateva) I'm not going to be happy. So how do you think it should happen? "
Yeah if someone were to be banned. I don't want it to be anything like how it was on Darkforum. Maybe we should all have a moderation room and talk about moderation stuff. So we could all sit together and talk about who should be banned and why. I also don't want to see thread like JLB or what happened to billythekidd crap around here.
quote: Originally posted by: "For one thing if we are going to be moderators. I don't want to handle the moderation that the people on Darkforum did."
Well shy, you're right. But it's not going to be the 'mods' coming in and handing out warnings and sht and banning people. Too many personal issues get in the way like that. I've seen it. If and when there is a question of somebody needing to be banned, it will be handled as a community. If the majority agree that the person needs to go, they will be gone. It will be handled out in the open and not in some secret 'lair'.
I also like having the mod area out in the open. It's better that way, I don't feel so diiiirty as I do in other places. (and trust me, it gets dirty.)
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
quote: Originally posted by: " Well shy, you're right. But it's not going to be the 'mods' coming in and handing out warnings and sht and banning people. Too many personal issues get in the way like that. I've seen it. If and when there is a question of somebody needing to be banned, it will be handled as a community. If the majority agree that the person needs to go, they will be gone. It will be handled out in the open and not in some secret 'lair'. I also like having the mod area out in the open. It's better that way, I don't feel so diiiirty as I do in other places. (and trust me, it gets dirty.)"
Yeah we don't want to have a secret moderation room. I have been in the secret moderation room before my moderation got taken away. But I rather have it out in the open cause I think that would be much better. But I like the way how you are handling it. Have everyone sit here and decide if the person should be banned or not. If people do agree then they shall be banned. If people don't agree then you are up **** creak. I like that idea much better.