quote: Originally posted by: " that's all the qualifications you need to be a mod "
oh, and i've been meaning to ask ya.... you want the job...? Sort of a floating mod... You seem to be around more than the rest of us on the weekends. There really isn't much you would have to do... maybe move a thread if you see a better place for it... help people out if you know the answer (course you already do that), converse (you do that too..) so, whatcha think?
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
quote: Originally posted by: "we can't have some bloke running around here blagging threads."
come on patty... afterall he fulfills the 'qualifications' better then the rest of us... ha!
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter