You can't help it, you love this website. If you don't enjoy it, we'll all just chalk it up to you being terribly uncultured and tasteless.
I suggest both the King Bogribaan shorts, Comfort(the banana pic), The Undead(the head pic to the right of comfort), and The Hole, which is the new one in the middle.
Unfortunately, this guy hasn't released very much work, but I'm really impressed with what I see here. Really hilarious ****.
quote: Originally posted by: "I would normally post this under the arty forum, but I want people to actually SEE it. You can't help it, you love this website. If you don't enjoy it, we'll all just chalk it up to you being terribly uncultured and tasteless. I suggest both the King Bogribaan shorts, Comfort(the banana pic), The Undead(the head pic to the right of comfort), and The Hole, which is the new one in the middle. Unfortunately, this guy hasn't released very much work, but I'm really impressed with what I see here. Really hilarious ****."
I only looked at a couple of the animations. I thought they were ok but i'm not a big fan of animations generally