just wanted to let you guys know that in addition to kazaa and winmx and all that stuff, theres other options. im a total music whore so what gets on my nerves about p2p is that half of it is mislabled, corrupted, infected, ripped at 60kbps, or downloads at .006 kb.
apparently, the russians have really lax rules on liscencing and sharing and so forth and mp3 membership clubs are springing up everywhere over there. and its DIRT cheap. plus its guaranteed to be what it says it is, and you get it at a good rate of transfer (especially good for those of us on broadband). another pleasant side effect that, being a musician, im especially fond of...the RIAA doesnt get one goddam cent from it, since its all done legally through the russian and european laws.
anyway, you can go searching around and find some of your own, most of them have an english version, heres a couple that ive used:
http://club.mp3search.ru/ easy as hell to use, you pay in $20.00 increments. 20 bucks gets you 2 gigs of music. thats .01 a mb. not too shabby, and great for those on dialup since you only pay for what you download.
http://3mp3.ru/eng/ the interface and subscription on this one is a lot more complicated/frustrating. once you get it working its badass and is super duper cheap. you can pay for either one, two, or three months (9.95 for 90 days), or you can actually join as an uploader and get it free. i think you have to upload at least two albums they dont have every week. the better option for broadband users. i start browsing and the next thing i know im burning an archive cd to free up hard drive space.
anyways, hope this helps music lovers on here out a bit. have fun