When you make a call at your job place. To check up on your application. Do most of you people play music to help you not be so nervous on the phone? Not bad music. Just something to help you relax when you call your job place.
Today I called the Winerschnitzel place and I had the best of Styxs album playing. I decided to play a song called "Babe." But I had it turned down a bit.
It helps me not to mumble when I speak. That happens when i'm nervous.
quote: Originally posted by: "When you make a call at your job place. To check up on your application. Do most of you people play music to help you not be so nervous on the phone? Not bad music. Just something to help you relax when you call your job place. Today I called the Winerschnitzel place and I had the best of Styxs album playing. I decided to play a song called "Babe." But I had it turned down a bit. It helps me not to mumble when I speak. That happens when i'm nervous. So i'm wondering if you people do the samething?"