uuugh what a horrible past few days... my boyfriend has turned out to be an ass, silver has turned out to be less then a friend then i thought at first, and i'm being forced to go to a bad concert tomorrow... guh... someone save me
i had a really good day today. school we didn't do anything so i spent it with Jake, nardo, Julie, and Dave. it was wonderful. twister + ice cream + truth or dare + music = love. i love it. today was the most wonderful day I've had in 6 months (balancing out Monday night). after school i came home and d_d was at my house, he needed a ride to school. I feel bad, his dads death-day is coming up so he's all sortsa sad. after I dropped him off I went to the movies with some more crazy ass friends. Got home some 6 hours later after being kidnaped... aaaaah, I feel much better.