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Post Info TOPIC: Deviant Circle: Who do you want to be your mods?

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Deviant Circle: Who do you want to be your mods?

As you guys know we'll be moving forums shortly and before we do that we want to make sure that we are making the best forum for us all. In doing so, we have decided that every decision should be a group one, we want this to be as much of an open forum as possible. One where every member is important. So, to start this open forum off right, we want you to choose your mods. This is the first phase, where you can nominate whomever you think would do the best job. Then, if we have an abundance of names, we will have a vote; the top 5 or so will be "modded". Keep in mind that we are considering this a fresh slate and that an current mods that you'd like to see keeping their job must be nominated to do so. (That includes >FD<, myself, (anti)... the whole bunch.  Also,  please keep in mind that there are some people that are not "here" that would make great mods, like Arsinik for example. The only person this does not pertain to this vote is Patryn and that's only because he is now our admin. He has taken the anitative to fund and secure everything for the new forum and he went to college for any technical problems that might arise. If anyone would like to join him or question his rank, you may do so at anytime. So, without further ado: Nominate away.

:o) I lovate you all.

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And, I'll start by saying that >FD< would obviously be a great mod.  She was/is a mod at DF and she's the main person that got this forum going.  She's our mommy, and we need her.   

:o) I lovate you all.

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i nominate magic.

"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha

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I nominate that we shoot all the mods and let anarchy reign

oi oi

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Originally posted by:

" I nominate that we shoot all the mods and let anarchy reign"


Actually, Snyper, that's another important subject that I need to mention. Our whole intention of this forum is to make a fun, enjoyable place for anyone to say and do whatever they want. The idea of mods is not to instrict rules and regulations upon anyone, but to help, guide, and organize the forum as you, the members, see fit. We do not intend to modify any posts or threads created, other than to maybe move them to the proper forum. There are no set rules, other than no spamming and no kiddie porn and the mods will all be "roaming" mods. Any time a big decision, such as banning (which we do not foresee happening), the mods would discuss the issue within an open thread and as much as possible all decisions would be a group decision.

:o) I lovate you all.

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Originally posted by:

"i nominate magic."


*pounds chest* much love, yo!

:o) I lovate you all.

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I nominate that you have an entirely open forum to all with a few small forums with strict moderation for the pussies who cant hack reality very well.


THis will eliminate the need for too many moderators, keep freedom alive, and make it so that everyone has free speech (freespeech being the pinnicle of a boards greatness)

That being said i would just like to let you know i think youre designing the future of said forum incorrectly, youre asking who the mods should be, placing an innate importance on moderators.. what does this lead to? Darkforum. We should have a forum where the focus is on the users, not the mods.

Pick 1 or 2 good decent mods who will monitor for SPAM and IMPS only, dont set bull**** rules like "be respectful to one and other" thats what several subforumms labled "MODERATED GENERAL" are for.... strict moderation with thought control for all the sheeple who need to have sunshine and lollippops.

Eat me.

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Originally posted by:

"That being said i would just like to let you know i think youre designing the future of said forum incorrectly, youre asking who the mods should be, placing an innate importance on moderators.. what does this lead to? Darkforum. We should have a forum where the focus is on the users, not the mods."

that is what we are doing billy. allowing the members to choose. you know, that whole democracy bit. that didn't happen at df so i HIGHly doubt that we are going towards df. however fd will make a conspiracy board so you can talk about how we are going to become df.

also, the open and inferno boards are unmoderated is how it will be i believe. minus the spam bit. the other boards will have loose moderation. the mods are mostly here to clean up. we just need enough to make sure that we have a decent time frame a day covered.

"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha

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Originally posted by:

" that is what we are doing billy. allowing the members to choose. you know, that whole democracy bit. that didn't happen at df so i HIGHly doubt that we are going towards df. however fd will make a conspiracy board so you can talk about how we are going to become df. also, the open and inferno boards are unmoderated is how it will be i believe. minus the spam bit. the other boards will have loose moderation. the mods are mostly here to clean up. we just need enough to make sure that we have a decent time frame a day covered."


Even the holocaust was begun with good intentions, youll see.

Eat me.

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Billy, you know I love you, but you really have no idea what the hell you are talking about.  What you are proposing we do, is in fact pretty much what we are doing.  Although, at the present time we do not intend to have any "pussy" forums.  Any mod's choosen would be floting mods there to simply help out any memebers with questions, keep conversations rolling, moderate any spam, etc.  We would not moderate posts, keep the peace, or be banning anyone.  We aren't babysitters and do not wish to become one.  However, the board would need a few individuals that would be able to keep everything in line and flowing smoothly.  In the event that the members wish to have any form of intervention there would be a vote in which if the majority wishes action to be taken, within reason, said moderators would then do so.  This way, we can truely say that the forum is open and fair.  That is why we are allowing the members to  choose the mods, to show that no one person is the "mod father". It's a group thing:  Deviant Circle.  Not a square, not a triangle, CIRCLE.

:o) I lovate you all.

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that brought tears to my eyes magic. i'm going to go mastrubate in your honor now.

"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha

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ya know... I'm thinkin' we should just keep what we got...  all the 'mods' now know there main purpose is to cultivate conversation. 

We want people to be able to speak their minds... well, sure a lot of that is great, but we're also gonna have to take the good, bad, and ugly with it.  Not everyone knows how to control themselves and some will be a fuk just for fuks sake. 

Nobody is going to go around saying don't troll, or don't flame, or don't be an ass...  well, they might, but it doesn't mean anything.  This is a group effort, that's all there is to it.  A little work to give everyone a place to express themselves.  Like I've said before, ya don't like it, get lost.

They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter

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and ****ing wipe wipe the seat. i'm sick of hearing fd complain about it. bastards.

"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha
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