What the hell is it with Christian cults and college campuses? Seriously... when I was in school I couldn~{!/~}t make it from Sheridan Hall (roughly 6 friggin miles from my classes) to the dining hall (my only source of food, 5 miles away) without being brutalized by a group of Christian zealots pleading, begging and trying to mind control me into the lower ranks of their sadistic Christian club. DO I LOOK LIKE A ****ING RETARDED ****? DO I LOOK LIKE I NEED SOMEONE TO RULE ME? **** them they deserved to be kicked in the cock (and labia for your femme Nazi wankers!)
All I want to do is watch some of my internet porn, maybe tweak one off, then go have a ****ing burger at the mess hall, is that too much to ask from these cultist pimply faced ****s? I even had this one guy come up and give me a flyer to *ding ding ding* Monday night bible study and football. (How the **** does one put football and bible study together? Is this the new ~{!0~}edge~{!1~} Christians put on to make the dreary monotony of the bible more exciting? ****OFF!) Where they discuss interesting and relevant notions of their one and only book ~{!0~}the bible~{!1~} and watch Monday night football while eating chips and non-alcoholic beer. What a waste of time! I hate Christian cultists~{!-~}I was born and almost raised a Roman Catholic, the closest I get to church is when I~{!/~}ve got my faced slammed into a toilet after too much drinking on a Friday night, I do most of my praying there.
Why is it also that when I went to a club to pick up chicks I always seemed to bump into Cultist bastards there as well who tell me ~{!0~}Its ok to remain a virgin until marriage~{!1~} HEY ****! No its NOT! Being a virgin when you~{!/~}re married is like buying a car off of the internet, A BAD ****ING IDEA! Any moron who would buy a car without test driving it, and by test driving I mean going 160 down the freeway at 2:30AM while a little drunk is a GODDAMNED RETARD! How are you going to know if you like it or not? At LEAST with a car however you~{!/~}re on payments and its only money,not to mention you can always sell the car off. Getting married without screwing the bride at least ONCE before the ~{!0~}I Do~{!1~} its just not good business and it~{!/~}s your LIFE we~{!/~}re talking about! What if she has a pecker or something you don~{!/~}t know about? You~{!/~}re going to be stuck with some transgender fruitcake for the rest of your natural life? ~{!0~}Eff~{!1~} that!
Anyhow back to my story, this ****ing guy comes up to me when I~{!/~}m scoping out the scene telling me that its ~{!0~}ok to be a virgin~{!1~}, well hell, if that were true then wouldn~{!/~}t we all be pasty faced, scrawny sheepish subservient ****s like he was and the way ALL Uber Christians are? Uber Christians deserve death! I promptly told him to **** his mother right before I ****ed on his shoes and used his hair to wipe my ass; I guess all Christians as such need to feel useful or used at least in SOME way, so I was just giving him what he wanted.
Christian Cultists are Satan worshippers in disguise!
hell at murray the ****ers would hang some guy in a wig off of a cross and yell bible **** at you. i seriously should have stood on the other bench and yelled satanic scripture back.
"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha
quote: Originally posted by: "hell at murray the ****ers would hang some guy in a wig off of a cross and yell bible **** at you. i seriously should have stood on the other bench and yelled satanic scripture back."
i actually laid into one one time... i was comming outta caroll hall after working out to walk back up to my dorm, and one was like i SWEAR TO GOD hiding behind the bushes!!! he jumped out and started trying to invite me to monday night football and bible study... I Said no thanks... but its not enough for SOME people!!! he kept following me, telling me i look lost, like i should find god and stuff.. i just ripped into him about god doesnt exist, Satan is more fun, i wish the romans would have fed this guys ancestors to the lions, how Jesus was nothing more than a rabble rousing terrorist... he got so ****ed he left.... heh.
hahahaha. they asked me one time if i knew where i was going when i die. i just said, yes i'm going to hell and walked off. their faces were priceless.
"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha
quote: Originally posted by: "hahahaha. they asked me one time if i knew where i was going when i die. i just said, yes i'm going to hell and walked off. their faces were priceless."
If they asked me i would have said Valhalla, because that would rule.