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Dirge's Wargaming Digest

Right, heres what this is, as some of you know Im an avid Historical Wargamer. What is Wargaming you may ask well in its simplest form it is the simulation of Historical warfare on a table using model soldiers and rules to govern the actions of the players, Chess is a type of wargame in that certain peices represent different troops of two opposing armies and each one has strengths and weaknesses.  Minature wargames involve the painting of the minature soldiers and this is my most favoured asppect of the hobby and I've been doing it a long time Ive got to the point of being able to make some HUGE dollars for my painted minatures on Ebay and commission

A person these days can find models from the entire 5000 year history of armed conflict, right from the Sumerian empire to ultramodern soldiers and vehicles(who ironically are fighting right now in the heart of what was once the Sumerian empire!!!!!!)  My own interest lies in ancient and medieval, the Napoloenic wars, and World War one. and I have many figures that I have collected and painted over the years for all of these periods.

The purpose of this thread is to recount some of the games I have played in and I intend to present it in the style of a short story emphasisng the crucial moments of each game, whith drama and pathos! I hope you enjoy !

"History is written by winners baby, so lets make a little of our own tonite

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Oh yeah i forgot to add Hippies who think wargamers are bloodthirsty warmongers are not welcome here and if any show up they will be treated to a rant to end all rants!

"History is written by winners baby, so lets make a little of our own tonite

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i heard wargamers are middle aged balding men living in their parents basement.

"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition. If you want to know your future, look into your present action" -Padmisambha

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Originally posted by:

"i heard wargamers are middle aged balding men living in their parents basement."


LOL!!! yeah some are and those are the ones I avoid!  Most of my wargming friends are university profs and punk rockers! And sometimes BOTH!!!!

Now the Sci Fi and Fantasy gamers GOOD GOD MAN!!!!  these are the dregs of the gaming industry! Many are morbidly obese and have poorly gorwn and trimmed beards and are for lack of a better term "Hygenically Challenged". I should know because I see them every weekend at my local game shop!!!!

"History is written by winners baby, so lets make a little of our own tonite

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   380 B.C, the ancient deserts of southern Egypt have seen a wave of raids from the Sudan scince the rains let up and the Nile inundated. But this time the Ku****e forces arrived en masse, this was no raid. The Ptolemaic Prince had heard of these black invaders and knew the skill of their archers, but know Djoser, greatgrandson of Ptolemy would see these desert dwellers back to their barren homes!

King Pyie, looked on to the neatly dressed ranks of the Greek pikemen assembled before his army. The Egyptian prince was well versed in tactics even though it appeared his lines were spread thin, but with the nile to his left he was in a good position.  The King moved his elephant off to the right of his massed archers then as soon as he stope he heard the pipes of the Berber slingers and the Brays of the elephants the Ptolomy had in his army were on the move. A quick signal and the archers readied their bows and loosed them onto the dispersed Berbers whos slings were to weak and far out to cause any damage, the Berbers retreated but only to be caught by a cloud of Meriotic javelin men hidden in a wadi to the right of the Berber line of advance, they harrowed the Lybian tribes men back to their own lines and sent a hail of javelins into the on comming elephants, causing one to stampede and then fall it compliment of warriors being crushed beneath its bulk.

Djoser ordered the Elephants to continue forward and gave the order for the Phalanx to advance on the Ku****e lines, and the Egyptian cavalry to explore the right flank of the enemy fo a gap in the rocks that anchored that flank.

King Pyie sent his spear and axe men to the left of the archers  in the hope of catching the Phalanx in the  flank,  His ploy worked as the archers loosed into the elephants and forcing them back the Ku****e infanty caught the phalalnx in the right and began to sew bloody mayhem among the greek mercenaries. THe egyptian cavalry managed to force a passage in the rocks and set upon the massed bowmen and rode a few of then down, but the King and his elephant corps intervened and panicked the horses of the egytpians and put them to flight.

Djoser spun around and plumeted from the the howda of his  his elephant as an arrow peirced his eye, his last though was "Know I know why the Greeks call these Blackmen 'archers of the eye'"  At the sight of their Prince and General dead the harrowed Ptolemaic army retreated to the massive walls and protection of their fortress.

The Ku****e sang songs of victory and Praise to the Might Amun Ra and the Candace of Meroe for this astonishing victory

"History is written by winners baby, so lets make a little of our own tonite

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Posts: 11

Ku****e   read as KOOSH EYE T  not a swear!!!! to funny!

"History is written by winners baby, so lets make a little of our own tonite
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