Yeah. College-goers, please. What school are you going to? What classes are you taking? What year are you in? Major? Are you in a greek? Do you use any controlled substances ?
So yeah, this is the thread where college people can connect. Heh... go ahead...
I'm in my first year at PCC (Pasadena City College)
There are no greeks on campus and I personally think it's a silly way to get extra cookies for partying. I'm thinking I might major in religious studies when I go to a four-year, but as for right now I'm undeclared.
As for aprtying habits, well, I mostly just have small get togethers with no more than 9 or 10 folks, where very few illegal things happen
I'm currently attending SCCC (Sullivan County Community College) finishing up my associates. I'm majoring in Liberal Arts right now, although I'm taking both pre-law and pre-med courses. I am not 100% postive on what exactally I'm going to do for a living, which is why I'm kind of surfing around. Right now I'm leaning toward psychology. Anyway, I have a 4.0 GPA, am a memeber of Phi Theta Cappa, and the Honors Program. I plan to go to SU (Syrcause University) when I'm done here; It's a great 4 year school and closer to where I live. As far as partying goes... not really. I'm more of a "high on life" person, as gay as that sounds.