This is a place for my poetry. Some of you from Darkforum will recognize this as work from Tainted Jesus, but if you can put two and two together, I'm sure you can discover that I'm TJ. So here is my newest one, cause I'm not reposting 30+ pages of poetry here.
Have you ever wanted to do something so perfect That you were afraid to start for fear of failure? Have you ever dreamed of an end to your isolation But were too afraid to chase after the cure? Have you ever seen heaven within your grasp And hesitated at the final moment in grabbing it? Can you explain why you are afraid of the light To someone who is trying so hard to be it for you? Can you tell an angel why it is you deny her help, Why you cannot take her hand and fly with her? Can you live with yourself after she has left, Knowing that she was there for you when you needed? How do you stop the tears that are flowing, When the angel you want has already been and gone? How do you silence your pleas of another chance, When you can't even say what you mean? How do you cope with the fact that you had it all, And let it all slip away in the end?