Well, this is a place for my stuff... I suppose I'll start moving it over here soon.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
what happened to the sinner? the blank slate- not yet filled with apathetic emotional overtones, glaring like a forgotten porchlight at 3am. rummaging through old home movies of skateboarding nights and sex influenced days. turn back the time on dreams and replay them in fast forward. the iniquitous always return eventually.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
Imprisoned by the ideals of a fractured society allows precious moments to grapple with the mundane antics of an incredulous reality. Days flying by rapidly slow, I'll dream about tommorrow when it's gone.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
if i could go, and see what others see. i just might recover something. i could never grasp the exuberant motivation that was required for complacency. -it’s the only thing i’ve never done. run -the only thing i’ll never do. perhaps? hard work kept me honest. in a way. a hand in every accolade but earning not a one. a goal and worst fear the same: freedom. someplace else i might open my eyes wider and just see.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
shining red in hot sun burning inside the (383). cruising saturday (late), the road on her finger -tips.
My old vengeance, she purrs (taunting) the boys with her lovely Nova curves.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
Politicians like used-car salesmen hanging their hats on the way in. Griping about the heat when it's only cold. STOP now, see no more, Soldiers gone to graveyards, everyone.
(Another just today.) Nothing is fair in war and love. not bills or amendments or even propositions. (187 had my vote too.) Reap the benifit of a man with the agenda: "gotta out do daddy."
Take me to another nationalization a neutral state where actors act and libertarians run the world. The election circus has begun in the land of silicon and crime and (I can't see,) not too late. There's soap in their soapboxes.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
Hot sand battlefield, seams torn open. A (lone) figure shedding blood-stained tears, time now short, grasping a glimpse of memory:
Betrayed by promises of college compensation, refining tender dreams of home so many miles. All of it in vain, (he eyes the sky one last time) his life slips away.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
They asked me, "Did it feel like your birthday?" to which I replied, "I don't know." Mockingly they laughed, "How could you not know?"
Wide-eyed I glared, It was a day, no ceremonious exercise, just the new experiences that typify the ordinary-ness that days falling in order bring.
By asking if it felt like a birthday I could only reply, "I don't know" as how can I differentiate a day from any other when each new day brings a new day?
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
can't stop the anger, the click of red, that moment when consciousness fades, tunnel vision red, black,
rage, darkened contorted face, horror movie material. revoke their liquor license before tragedy is revealed. Repeal
the laws before your leader takes a mocking stab at the flyboys, the heroes of annihilation, pushing his desk down the runway,
fall, just fall.
As premature ejaculate flows from his lips as the vp takes to him another 4 years. evil coalition of death
and doom who's next? Perhaps disease torn countries of adolescent nature, whose entrails are stipend with mines, and gutted by
our previous glories. Perhaps more middle sand, hot sunburnt sultry days. (They're all in it together.) Maybe home, where
kids are laying on skid row, stealing a piece of beef to get their maternal orifice a fix. Take pride in what you stand for as the world
watches with horrified eyes the atrocities of pious men.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
I would make a spectacular war general if I could get past the government and the killing. If - I could lead the way without the republic's blindfold. If - I could find a new space unadulterated by laughing.
The world's still burning and we're still living our lives in our bubbles, pretending nothing will ever change. What if things were different, and we were them?
Night will never come; not soon enough, and if it does the bombs won't stop falling. And I'll still need a tree to sit under composing my masterpiece.
The years a steady blur, in the end no one will win.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
Plug into the new age: The Americanized revolution. We don't like what is not like us And we invade what we don't like. It's our way.
How many more have to die Before the imperial regime turns green. Raising money for campaigns While nineteen year old GI's fight Their power war. Founded on lies And built on shock and awe; watch Us flex our gigantic war muscle. You
Can't play with our nuclear toys, We're the only ones allowed to have them. Was there no lesson learned from Vietnam? It's not our way, We do what we do in the name of democracy.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
The fall of horror in a rat hole A tale of terror yet to come. Our fate sealed by electoral clout, a democratic voice our only chance? In years to come, The inheratance of an egocentrical nation will reap tyranny from 'The Man.' Our vibrancy will crumble without our popularity.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter
Faded blue jeans are my comfort, seeing them always means home. Guaranteeing my success would be trivial in hindsight, (besides I only spent a quarter.)
The painted face means I'm up for anything, don't you know. Lost in decadence, bewildered by certain alluring spices. I saw you once underneath the magic moon. I was the girl with the curious stare.
They say I'm disturbed. Well, of course I'm
disturbed. I mean, we're all disturbed. And if we're not, why not? Doesn't this
blend of blindness and blandness want to make you do something crazy? Then why
not do something crazy? It makes a helluva lot more sense than blowing your
fucking brains out. -Mark Hunter